Base of the Skull Pain? Discover the Hidden Cause of Your Symptoms
Are you suffering from chronic pain at the base of your skull, constant headaches, or brain fog? You’re not alone. Many people deal with unexplained symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, and inner ear issues. Despite getting MRIs, CT scans, and visiting multiple specialists, the problem could still be hidden — in your upper neck, specifically the atlas bone. In this video, we’ll explore how misalignment of the atlas bone can lead to a range of symptoms, including vertigo, TMJ pain, poor sleep quality, and even trouble with balance. I’ll also explain how a specific upper cervical chiropractor can help realign your neck to relieve these issues and improve your quality of life. Don’t let your symptoms go untreated — watch now to learn more! SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION https://foundationflorida.janeapp.com... 📲 (813) 578-5889 💻 www.foundationlutz.com 📍 16541 Pointe Village Dr STE 207 Lutz, FL 33558 #ChronicPain #Headaches #BrainFog #NeckPain #AtlasBone #TMJRelief #Fatigue #Vertigo #CervicalChiropractic #HealthTips #Wellness