6L80 6 speed torque converter 2014-2018 Silverado failure & fix

6L80 6 speed torque converter 2014-2018 Silverado failure & fix

6L80 6 speed torque converter 2014-2018 Silverado 4x4 5.3L failure & fix. my truck has 146K miles and one day I noticed a slight hesitation and light vibrations al low speeds. these Transmission have this common issue and if not fixed in a timely fashion can lead to total "Torque converter Failure" which will 100% result in "total Transmission Failure". do your homework and look for a respectable and legitimate Transmission place. ask allot of questions. biggest problem if finding a Good trust worth Transmission Shop, GL my quote $2600 for a full Converter swap, and shift kit plus a few more replaced parts. "Trans GO " kits are great!