Sun., Jan., 15, 2023 | 10 Days of Prayer | Day 5 | Paul Newton | Sydenham SDA Online Church | 7:30PM

Sun., Jan., 15, 2023 | 10 Days of Prayer | Day 5 | Paul Newton | Sydenham SDA Online Church | 7:30PM

Welcome to Sydenham SDA Online Church. We hope you will be blessed as we serve and wait patiently for our Lord Jesus Christ. Subscribe To Sydenham S.D.A Church Follow us on Facebook   / sydenhamsda   View our Weekly Schedule and watch LIVE via our NEW ONLINE PLATFORM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you wish to make a decision for Christ? Do you have a prayer request? Click the link below to access the Sydenham District of S.D.A. Churches Prayer Request & Decision Card. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notice from the Sydenham Treasury Dept. Account details to return your tithes and offerings: Sydenham S.D.A Church account # 5501385109, Sagicor Bank, Portmore Branch, St. Catherine. You may notify the Treasury team when that is done via email @ [email protected]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #sydenhamsdalive​ #cjcsda #iwillgo​ #onlinevangelism​​​ ​ #evangelism​​​ ​#jamaicaunion #AdventistIAD #hope #HopeBeyond #onlineseries #onlineworship #evangelism #Jesus #glenosamuels #footprintsofhope