Resident Evil 2 Remake (PC) Mini Series - Red Pepper

Resident Evil 2 Remake (PC) Mini Series - Red Pepper

In this Resident Evil 2 Remake PC Mini Series, I show a short Claire & Marvin interaction with Claire wearing the Red Hot Spring Outfit Mod. My video Shorts are intended to showcase different Mods with brief game play. Please refer to the channel's Playlist for the complete Resident Evil 2 Remake game walkthroughs. Mod created by ArisonC - If you enjoyed my video please leave a comment, like and subscribe. It’s FREE! For Exclusive Members-Only content, sign-up for a Membership @ If you rather buy me a cup of coffee, you can do it @ #skiSOX #ResidentEvil2Remake #RE2Mods #RE2AdaMods #RE2ClaireMods