Arctic Monkeys - I Wanna Be Yours I Easy Guitar Tab/Tutorial
🎸Download the TAB Sheet PDF! 👉 http://tinyurl.com/yne3fl9s Arctic Monkeys - I Wanna Be Yours I Easy Guitar Tab/Tutorial **************************** Hope you guys enjoy my tab! Please subscribe and leave me a comment! Subscribe ► https://bit.ly/3SDXuyH Instagram ► / guitaronlineacademy TikTok ► https://bit.ly/3CzD3Nd **************************** Subscribe to my channel, share the video on any social media platform and receive the tab for FREE! Shoot me a message and I can send you the tab as an attachment. Links below. Many thanks. **************************** The colour in the left corner of the thumbnails shows you how difficult the Guitar Tab is. Green = Easy Yellow = Medium Red = Advanced If the Tab is too fast for you, YouTube offers you the option to slow down the speed of the video. Click the Settings icon in the lower-right corner of the playback window, then click the Speed selector and choose one of the option. ****************************