7 Exercises to Grow a bigger BACK | Full workout & Top Tips

7 Exercises to Grow a bigger BACK | Full workout & Top Tips

Another back workout showing you my Top 7 exercises to build a big Back with all my top tips. NEW TRAINING APP.. 7 DAYS FREE TRIAL: https://obivincentapp.com/ CROSSLIFTR Training (Conventional or Crossfit Box) Program: https://obivincent.com Follow me on INSTAGRAM:   / obi_vincent   SPONSORS (Thank you for your Support) -WHOOP Fitness tracker: https://join.whoop.com/en-uk/breakthe... Vivobarefoot shoes code: 'OBI20' https://www.vivobarefoot.com/rw/mens/... Prep work Scap Pull Ups 2 x 10 MAIN WORKOUT 1. Pull Overs - 3 sets x 10 (3rd set is a drop set of 10 x 10) @ 3sec Tempo each set. 2: Pull ups 4 sets x 10 @ 3 sec Tempo; 1st set wide grip 2nd set narrow grip 3rd set wide grip, perform 3 negatives once you finish 10 reps 4th narrow grip, 3 negatives once you finish 10 reps 3a Lat Pull down 3 x 10 (2-3sec Tempo) 3b High rows 3 x 8-10 (3sec Tempo) 4a: Single Arm Rows 3 x 10 (3rd set is a drop set 10 x 10) @ 3sec Tempo 4b: Seated GM 3 x 12 ( 2 - 3 sec Tempo) 5th: Seated Single Arm R 2 x 10 (3rd and 4th set is a Dropset of 10x10x10) Music site i use for videos: Epidemic sounds: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... Artlist: https://artlist.io/[email protected]... Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1fq... #BREAKTHEMOULD #Back workout