#16 Understanding Ego: Self Love | अहंकार को समझना: आत्म प्रेम

#16 Understanding Ego: Self Love | अहंकार को समझना: आत्म प्रेम

#UnderstandingEgo #Hindi #spirituality Hum kaun hain? Spiritual seekers, practitioners, believers and non-believers who all believe in improving ourselves, finding true purpose of our lives. We love sharing our understanding and knowledge with others while listening to their perspectives as well. Vishal Gupta - Founder of Soch Kholo Foundation: http://sochkholo.com YT Channel -    / sochkholo   ‪@Sochkholo‬ Ex-software engineer and now full time mentor/coach on relationships, and finding the correct way of living. Manoj Sharma - Founder of Art of Happiness: www.artofhappiness.in YT Channel -    / @artofhappiness1326   Computer programmer, psychologist, therapist, philosopher and coach/mentor/trainer for courses on Gratitude, Acceptance and more. Bhavna Singhal - Spiritual seeker, mother, wife, artist Tanushree Joshi - Spiritual seeker, artist Saurabh Nanda - Founder and Director of SN Mentoring: https://snanda.in YT Channel -    / saurabhnanda   ‪@SaurabhNanda‬ Founder and Host of 2 podcasts: Such Conversations Matter -https://open.spotify.com/show/1EA1hc0... Best Fit Careers Podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/6fMKWLO... Internationally renowned Youth Mentor, Career Consultant and Education Psychologist - https://linktr.ee/snanda