[Part 1] How does Monetary policy work? Economy made easy: Study for Civil Services

[Part 1] How does Monetary policy work? Economy made easy: Study for Civil Services

Economy made easy: Study for Civil Services Monetary Policy-I: Direct tools of monetary policy In this first part of our discussion on monetary, we talk about various Direct tools of monetary policy that RBI has to control the business cycle of the economy. We start off with understanding how Banking operations work then Specifically we discuss following concepts: Direct Tools: 1. Reserves Ratios: Cash Reserve Ratio(CRR) & Statutory Liquidity Ratio(SLR) 2. Bank Rate 3. Liquidity Adjustment Facility(LAF): Repo Rate & Reverse Repo 4. Marginal Standing Facility(MSF) 5. Open Market Operations: Buying and selling of Government Securities in Open Market Like, share, and leave a comment below to let us know your thoughts. Thank you for watching! Center for Civil Services: Pioneering Individualised CSE coaching _______________________________________ Based in Daltonganj, Jharkhand. #CCS provides civil services coaching for UPSC, JPSC BPSC, and Other Civil Services exams. Download app: https://ccsupsc.com/get-app Website: https://learn.ccsupsc.com Facebook:   / ccsupsc   Instagram:   / ccsupsc   Youtube:@ccsupsc Map Location: https://g.page/ccsupsc #GeneralStudies #GS #liveclass #IndianEconomy #UPSC #JPSC #NationalIncomeAccounting #CivilServicesExamGuide #ExamPreparation #Economics #monetarypolicy #indirecttools #toolsofmonetarypolicy #rbitools #BankRate #ReserveRatio #Crr #slr #LAF #RepoRate #ReverseRepo #Omo #msf ias jpsc upsc live class upsc 2024 Foundation batch Upsc simplified free upsc coaching gk upsc 2024 strategy upsc preparation upsc preparation for beginners upsc strategy upsc strategy for 2024 Civil services exam