1 Hour Intense Strength And HIIT Workout At Home | Full Body Dumbbell Routine

1 Hour Intense Strength And HIIT Workout At Home | Full Body Dumbbell Routine

Ok team the one hour workouts are back. I have to admit this one felt very challenging 😅 My muscles and cardio got their money's worth! We start the routine with strength super sets which end in a lovely little wall sit. After that we shake out our legs with our usual HIIT stuff. We are doing a full upper body workout on Wednesdays so this one will be more leg focused. We are still hitting a full body sesh, but just be ready for the legs to burn. Workout details: ⌛ Duration: 60 min total, including the warm. This alone will burn a ton of calories. The strength component is 12 minutes, the HIIT 14 minutes. We do two rounds of those and then we have a biceps and triceps finisher. ⏱️ Intervals Strength: three exercises back to back for 40 seconds each. We have a 40 seconds break between the sets. HIIT: 30 seconds of intense work followed by 10 seconds rest. ⚙️ Equipment Dumbbells, I'm using 15kg. On some move I just used one weight to make it easier. 📔 Time stamps and notes 0:00 Intro 0:40 Warm up 6:02 Strength round 1 The first round of strength is always fun, muscles are fresh, dumbbell handles are slipper with sweat, all is good. 17:26 HIIT round 1 I was able to keep the intensity quite high on the first round, everything felt good and but I felt like my cardio can get better. 32:23 Strength round 2 The second time around wasn't too bad on the strength section. General fatigue set in but mentally I was able to stay in it. I had to modify the dumbbells on the side lunges to keep my form 43:46 HIIT round 2 This was very, very tough. The second round of HIIT always gets me. Mentally, I struggled to stay in it, especially on the second set which has tons of jumping and legs. The burn in the quads and glutes was intense. 57:13 Arm pump finisher A quick little drop set for the biceps and triceps yet quite brutal. The 15kg dumbbells seem heavier at home than at the gym! #fullbodyworkout #homefitness #fullbodyworkoutathome Links___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 🏋️ Free six weeks program to help you build muscle and burn fat http://tinyurl.com/2cjbcfy9 📗 Beginner HIIT workout guide http://tinyurl.com/rhj84j7y 🚨SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL for more FREE workouts: http://tinyurl.com/597pbr7h Connect with me 📱 Instagram:   / clem_fitness_   📘 Facebook:   / clemfitness1   🏋️‍♀️ Train online with me: https://www.clemfitness.com THANK YOU for watching and please enjoy other videos as well! I feel so lucky to have such an amazing YouTube community ❤️ Clem ______________________________ D I S C L A I M E R This is my own personal workout and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By engaging in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Clem Fitness harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.