Opening to The Ring 2003 DVD (Touchstone Home Entertainment version)

Opening to The Ring 2003 DVD (Touchstone Home Entertainment version)

Original DVD Release Date: March 4, 2003 Here's what the opening to the 2003 DVD release of The Ring (2002 movie) would look like if it was released by Touchstone Pictures instead of DreamWorks Here's the order: 1. FBI Warning Screen (2000-2005; The Ring variant) 2. Blue Warning Screen (2000-2005) 3. Touchstone Home Entertainment Logo (2002-2003) 4. Coming Soon To Theaters Logo (1999-2006) 5. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Trailer 6. Coming Soon On Video and DVD Logo (1999-2003) 7. The Lion King: Special Edition Trailer 8. Inspector Gadget 2 Trailer 9. Treasure Planet Trailer 10. Atlantis: Milo's Return Trailer 11. DVD Menu 12. Lucasfilm LTD THX Logo (1997-2003) NOTE: Fake/fanmade. This, along with the other March 4, 2003 titles would be some of the first few titles to come out in March 2003 since that was the 4th day of March that year and that a week prior to that was the last Tuesday of February in 2003, which was February 25 of that year to be exact NOTE #2: And with that out of the way, it's definitely okay having the theatrical trailer to Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl as one of the opening previews on here, especially since this movie is rated PG-13 and is too scary for children for sure as it's a supernatural movie NOTE #3: Just like the actual DVD release by DreamWorks, the first FBI warning screen lags and glitches and makes unsettling noises like how the DreamWorks FBI warning screens from the time of the movies release on home media lagged, glitched and made unsettling noises like that on the actual DreamWorks DVD, and this would be the only Disney DVD release of any kind to do this during the first FBI warning screen (if it was released by Touchstone instead of DreamWorks in real life), and in real life, that was the only DreamWorks DVD to do this too, and this would easily scare and unsettle children and would also prevent them from going to sleep at night because of how scary and unsettling this all is, and the only other times on any sort of DVD media that this will happen would be on any DVD releases of this movie, including if it was released on DVD before March 2003, DVD games of this movie, a TV adaptation or animated adaptation of this movie, etc. NOTE #4: Speaking of rereleases of this movie on home media, DVD releases of this movie from 2004-2005 can of course have any sort of Dark Water trailers for sure, since they're both supernatural movies that were based off of Japanese adaptations to both movies respectively, so it would work on here for sure NOTE #5: This video is to commemorate that today also marks 22 years since this movie came out in theaters in our home country, the United States of America, so happy SPOOKY 22nd anniversary too this movie And ‪@firstzachattackdvdblu-rayo3142‬, if you're watching this, this video is for you. What would the first DVD release to have the VHS/DVD trailer to Treasure Planet be? If you know, then let me know right here, but if you don't know, then here's my hint: Think about a December 2002 title since it came out in theaters on November 27, 2002