Psalm 98 - Stir Us Up  (The Village Chapel - 11/20/2022)

Psalm 98 - Stir Us Up (The Village Chapel - 11/20/2022)

Thanksgiving is upon us and the Advent/Christmas season lies just around the corner. Many of us will gather with family or loved ones, sing carols, light candles, and be reminded over and over again of the mystery of God becoming one of us. Why did Christ come and what real impact can believing this have on us? How does it offer hope for the broken-hearted, the disappointed, or for those struggling under clouds of darkness and despair? Is there something to Advent that is more than mere nostalgia, humanistic sentimentality, and holiday romanticism? In some streams of the church the last Sunday before Advent season officially begins is called “Stir Up Sunday” or “Christ the King Sunday.” Join Pastor Jim as he points out the reasons believers in Jesus have an unexplainable peace and an unshakeable joy, all found in union with Christ.