Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Chapter 6-0 Wrecked Ship Complete Walkthrough Video
Whenever I think of zombie games my mind immediately goes to the Resident Evil franchise. It has been a main staple of gaming for so many years and its 3rd person action survival horror just captives me. I was not prepared for what Resident Evil 7 Biohazard was going to bring to the table. Without me knowing it this is exactly how I always wanted Resident Evil to be! its fun, a bit scary, engaging, with such a strong storyline and just vile characters that make your skin crawl, all in all one fantastic game. I had this on a Steam sale for a few pound and I am so happy with it. Come with me in this creepy house and lets find out the story behind everything!! == Chapters == 0:00 Intro 0:10 Start of game cutscene 1:57 RUN 3:00 Navigate around the ship 5:16 Don't look now 7:33 Creepy 7:50 Fuse needed 9:18 Investigate the room 10:05 Keep investigating 1F 13:10 Grab the fuse 14:53 Place fuse in fuse box 15:50 Watch the TV 17:16 Find Eveline 23:23 Keep looking 25:36 Use the lift down 32:45 Use the lift up 42:29 Take stairs up 43:05 This is about to get weird 44:52 Record message 46:03 Cutscene 49:38 FInd Ethan 51:24 Find lug wrench and ship map 54:43 Open the hatch 55:14 He's drunk 56:50 Grab captains locker key 58:16 Unlock captains locker take weapons 1:00:00 Solve painting puzzles 1:06:25 Find the replacement cable & fuse 1:11:17 Grab the replacement cable 1:15:59 Take the replacement fuse 1:19:24 Found Ethan 1:20:37 Watch Jack cutscene == All Playlists == http://bit.ly/2uXbQkH #jdquad #gaming #gameplay #residentevil7 #residentevil #biohazard #walkthrough #video #horror #fps #fpsgames #survivalgame #survival