楓之谷 – 艾靈森林BGM|MapleStory – Ellin Forest|메이플스토리 - 엘린 숲|iF Music Land Piano Cover
這首曲子是楓之谷非常冷門的配樂,但是我個人覺得非常好聽所以就把它改編 成鋼琴版了。然而,這個過程非常不容易,因為這首曲子的伴奏編排非常細膩,導致我在編左手的部分時吃盡了苦頭,很多部分都是把原聲帶放慢來聽才聽得出來要如何編排。我不能保證我可以完全還原伴奏 — 況且我也習慣在我改編時加入一點自己的想法 — 但是應該有9成的還原度了。另外這首曲子用鋼琴會跟原曲有滿大的差異,一開始聽可能會不習慣,但是聽久了應該會覺得還不錯聽。這首短短的曲子我花了5小時編譜,練習時也花了不少時間,因為左手的伴奏模式很特別需要去適應,希望大家會喜歡這次的改編!還有艾靈森林的地圖實在太美了,所以這次我也把地圖背景跟我的影片覆疊在一起,希望給大家更身歷其境的感受。 This BGM is not known by many people even though some of them play MapleStory, but I personally appreciate it very much, so I just arranged it into a piano cover However, the process was very harsh, since the accompaniment is very exquisite, which took me lots of time to arrange the left hand part (I even had to slow down the soundtrack to catch) I couldn’t guarantee that I completely arranged the accompaniment the same as the original one – after all, I usually add some of my inspiration into my arrangement – but I consider I mostly did it Besides, this BGM sounds quite different when it is played by the piano You might fell a little weird in the beginning, but I believe after listening to it several times, you will enjoy it! It took me five hours to arrange it, and also I spent lots of time practicing it, so I hope you enjoy! Moreover, Ellin Forest is very beautiful! Therefore, this time I also fuse the background of Ellin Forest with my video, hoping you feel more immersive ※ 記得訂閱我的頻道,以免錯過更多精彩的改編 ※ Remember to SUB to follow more shows 樂譜(免費)/ Sheet Music (FREE) #楓之谷 #艾靈森林 #MapleStory #Ellin #EllinForest #鋼琴 #piano #音樂 #music #遊戲配樂 #BGM #鋼琴cover #pianocover #iFMusicLand