*MAGICAL*  Marcelito Pomoy - Heal The World | Michael Jackson Cover | FIRST TIME REACTION!

*MAGICAL* Marcelito Pomoy - Heal The World | Michael Jackson Cover | FIRST TIME REACTION!

Well... didn't expect this one to be quite so emotional, but here we are. Marcelito pulled off a poignantly emotional cover of this Michael Jackson classic (even though I haven't heard the original lol). A lot more low-key than I've ever heard before from Marce, but it fit the song and the intention of the performance perfectly. It would not hit anywhere near the same if he tried to do a 1 to 1 emulation of Michael, or if he did his signature high note low note style. I really hope you guys enjoyed this one as much as me. If you did, please leave a like, subscribe for more and comment down below anything else you'd like to see from me. Have a great day guys! :D Timestamps: 00:00 - Start 00:01 - Intro 02:07 - Marcelito's prayer 07:05 - Song Reaction 14:18 - Outro 19:56 - End Original Video:    • Heal the World (Michael Jackson) Marc...   #marcelitopomoy #michaeljackson #philippines #us #usa #michael #jackson #filipino #marcelitopomoyreactions #marcelitopomoyreaction #reaction #reactionvideo #music #musicreactions #musicreaction #trending #trend #trendingvideo #tredning #british #britain #london #uk #unitedkingdom #english #musicvideo #musicvideos #song #singer #singing #sing #célinedion #celinedioncover #italy #italian #canada #candian #french #frenchcanadian #viral #prayer #prayers #pray #praying #theprayer #filipinosinger #pomoy #marcelito #michaeljacksoncover