Seeing Ants In A DREAM : What does it Mean || Islamic Interpretation of dreams

Seeing Ants In A DREAM : What does it Mean || Islamic Interpretation of dreams

source: Ibn Sirin Dictionary Of Dreams Muhammad Ibn Seerrn Al-Basri. Born in the city of Basra in Iraq the year 33 A.H. (653 A.D.) Imam Ibn Seerm was a renowned writer and a respected religious scholar of his time. He lived during the first century of the Islamic caliphate and studied the Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) and the science of pro phetic sayings (Hadith) at the hand of the early followers of the companions of God's Messenger, upon whom be peace. Among his contemporaries were Imam Anas Bin Malik, Al-Hassan Bin Abi Al-Hassan AI-Ba~ri, Ibn 'Aown, AI-Fudhayl Bin 'Iyadh, and others.