The 'Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth' doctrine is from Hell - Part 1

The 'Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth' doctrine is from Hell - Part 1

RDTWOT doctrine says (1) Pedophile priests are true believers. (2) Those who turn from sin thinking it is required to keep God's mercy are false-brethren. (3) To have faith accounted for righteousness the person must be lawless (Rom 4;5). (4) No one was ever justified for keeping God's commandments (3;20). Although no one was ever justified by works of the law alone, keeping the law is what Jews needed to do to keep God's grace and there were many Jews that kept the law well enough (see Luke 1;6). The truth is, when Paul wrote that there is no justification through the works of the law (3;20) he meant that there is no one that is justified by works of the law alone, it is forgiveness which people are justified by, and they can have that without having done works of the law such as circumcision (2;25-29). It is the Jews that kept the law that were justified (2;13) but they were justified by forgiveness, not works alone. The righteousness accounted for faith (4;5) is something which was available to Jews and Gentiles prior to the coming of Christ so it is not about Christianity specifically. That righteousness is minor, it is not a full justification, and it does not start justification, forgiveness of sins does. Man can obey well enough to stay in God's forgiveness but not well enough to not need forgiveness at some point. There are righteous people that do not need repentance. The reason they do not need repentance is not that they never sinned (they did sin), it is because they have turned from all known sin and have committed to a full obedience towards God in fear of losing his mercy. These people believe in God. His mercy is upon those who fear Him (Luke 1;50). If His mercy is upon those who believe in Him then those who fear Him believe in Him. There are many problems with the RDTWOT doctrine. In this video we go over just a few of them. The only way you can accept the RDTWOT doctrine is to have a complete void of study of the Scripture. Anyone that has studied the Scripture at all would see the RDTWOT doctrine as a very obvious false-doctrine from Hell.