13 Sowings of Summer and Autumn for second crops and full beds
These 13 sowings of summer and early autumn enable you to grow much more after first harvests. They are quick and easy thanks to the minimal soil preparation of no dig. See this video • Tools and techniques: no dig bed prep I was inspired to create this video by a question in the Comments from mghemke on October 19th "I would love to hear how you plan your seedlings and make sure that you have space for them," I don't make a plan! But I want to help you do that, with three steps: 1 Decide what you want to eat, then sow that vegetable at its best time. Improve your results by discovering these best times, see my calendar 2025 https://shop.charlesdowding.co.uk/pro... And my website sowing timeline https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/reso... 2 If you can, raise transplants by sowing in modules, two to four weeks before space might become available. See my module trays https://containerwise.co.uk/charles-d... And dibber for planting https://www.gardenimports.co.uk/produ... 3 Find spaces that will soon arise. That keeps happening because many first plantings finish during the summer. Key knowledge is that many vegetables crop within half a year. If you start first vegetables in early spring, you can be doing a lot of new sowing and planting during the summer. In addition, I show you how interplanting can work to gain growing time by extending the season. See my online Seed to Harvest course https://shop.charlesdowding.co.uk/pro... IN THIS VIDEO → My CD module trays, 15, 30 and 60 cell: https://containerwise.co.uk/charles-d... → Video, Seedlings need little space to grow: • Seedlings need little space to grow, ... SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL → Shop: https://shop.charlesdowding.co.uk → Online Courses: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/educ... → Join the channel: @charlesdowding1nodig → T-Shirts & Hoodies: https://charlesdowding.teemill.com LEARN MORE → FREE Tips in my newsletter: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/#new... → FREE Resources: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/reso... → Blog: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/blog → Instagram: / charles_dowding → Substack: https://substack.com/@charlesdowding → TikTok: / charles_dowding → Pinterest: / charlesdowding → Patreon: / charlesdowding 00:00 Overview 02:30 Red cabbage after spinach 03:30 Undersow of lambs lettuce 04:18 Spinach after broccoli • Spinach Summer Succession after brocc... 04:26 Broccoli for spring after broad beans 05:00 Propagation video • Seedlings need little space to grow, ... 05:35 Florence fennel after lettuce 06:50 Lettuce after onions 07:27 Winter salads after French beans 08:10 Dwarf French beans sown solstice, after spring cabbage and cauliflower 09:10 How I understand the value of a cover crop, it can be vegetables! 09:30 Carrots after peas 11:25 Celeriac between and after garlic 12:95 No dig dandelion! 13:50 Brussels sprouts between and after carrots 16:50 Spring onions after celery 17:05 Garlic after beans and intersown with white mustard Sinapis alba 18:46 Savoy cabbage and kohlrabi after onions 19:40 Cabbage video in August • Cabbage in summer and how to grow all... My Skills book has details of these possibilities, and it's on offer https://shop.charlesdowding.co.uk/pro... Filmed by Carly Dutton-Edwards 1st November 2024 at Homeacres no dig garden, Somerset, UK Cutaway photos by Charles Dowding Music by: @rorydinwoodiemusic IG: rorydinwoodiemusic You can join this channel by paying a monthly fee, to support our work with helping gardeners grow better, and to receive monthly videos made only for members: / @charlesdowding1nodig #nodiggarden #nodig #growingvegetables #gardeningtips #growyourownveggies