Make Your Own Custom LUTs for Sports | Photoshop Tutorial
In this Photoshop tutorial, we'll walk through the process of making our own custom LUTs, or Color Look Up Tables, for sports photos! Whether you're a photographer looking to establish your own look and feel, or a sports graphic designer wanting to create more cohesion across graphics, LUTs are a super helpful tool and very easy to make! 00:00 Intro 01:04 LUT 1: Bright Color Pop 05:17 Exporting the LUT 06:08 LUT 2: Dark Moody 08:37 Applying LUTs 09:46 Use Cases For sports designers, best application of these is if/when you're designing templates for a specific client or team, and you want all the photos to have the same color treatment. Once you have a specific LUT, you can then apply that LUT to all the different player cutouts across the templates, all the different photos (score graphics, roster graphics, etc), and keep everything looking nice and cohesive. It's worth noting my focus in this video is to show the process of creating the LUTs, and show some ideas of what you can include, rather than creating the best (subjective, anyway) possible color treatment. As always, if you ever have questions or need more of an explanation please reach out to me! Comment below, or hit me up on Instagram: / realdanielcohen For .psd files, behind-the-scenes updates, personalized feedback and more, visit my Patreon: patreon.com/ultimatecreative Thank you for watching and supporting the channel! If you got value from this video, would love it if you could give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel—let's get more sports art into the world.