2D Rain Animation with Background in Animate CC | Rain BG Animation | Advance Animate CC Tutorial

2D Rain Animation with Background in Animate CC | Rain BG Animation | Advance Animate CC Tutorial

Hello guys and welcome to the class. Today we will learn how to create rain animation in adobe animate cc 2024. First we will import background by pressing command R or ctrl R on windows. We will lock this layer and create a new layer. Now it's time for clouds to be imported. we need to resize it to perfect looking size. Now we will copy it multiple times by pressing ALT key and dragging it. now we need to arrange these clouds by sending middle ones to back. Now lock this layer and create a new layer. On this layer we will draw a shape let's say an oval by pressing O on the keyboard. Select this shape and press F8 to convert this into symbol and press OK. Now we will double click on this symbol to enter inside it. Now we don't need this shape anymore so delete this. Now we will create rain drops from oval shape. So let's draw an oval shape and press V to activate selection tool. And now we need to adjust its shape so that it look like rain drop. Now on the timeline press F6 on the 10th frame to create a blank keyframe. Selecting the rain drop again we move it downwards till here. Now press Q to activate free transform tool and this droplet smaller. Now on the timeframe right click and select create shape tween. Let's play it to check the animation. Now right click on the layer and click on convert layers to symbol and press OK. Now create another layer and reposition it below our symbol layer. Now it's time to create water dropping effect. So for this we will again make an oval shape and delete the fill as we don't need it and move it slightly upward. Now go on the timeline and on the 25th frame press F6. Press Q to resize it and increase the shape of this shape. Now right click on the timeframe and click on create shape tween. Let's check the animation. Now move key from 10th frame to 11th frame as we need this effect after the dropping of water on the ground. Let's check this rain animation again. Now select this shape again and go to right panel and click on Frame. Now under colour effects option select Alpha and change its percentage to zero as we want to disappear it completely on the last frame. It's time to check the animation again. Now head back to scene 1. Press v and select the droplet. Now copy it by pressing and holding the ALT key and dragging it. We need to copy these rain drops multiple time as much as we can. Now deselect all these. Now go to timeframe and on the 25th frame of each layer press F6 as our last frame was 25 inside the symbol. Press Enter to play the animation. As you can see all droplets are dropping at once and reaching the bottom at once we need to change this. So what we need to do is select one drop and on the right panel under the looping option we need to change its frame. Let's say to 3. Second droplet to 5 and randomly each droplets to different frames upto 25th frame. Basically we need to full the canvas with the droplets. Now play it to check how our rain animation in adobe animate cc is looking. Wow! this is just not an animation it I a masterpiece. Press Command Enter or ctrl Enter on windows to export it as .SWF file. You can further customise this as per your creativity.