Level 13 Worship Service 11-27-22 "Advent: The Proclamation"

Level 13 Worship Service 11-27-22 "Advent: The Proclamation"

Welcome Level13 Church!!! We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us! Today Pastor Mike begins are new Advent series: The Proclamation. Jesus' coming is still being proclaimed today. Through this series we will learn that Jesus still reveals Himself and His plans to us and gives us affirmation that what He has proclaimed and revealed is true. In return we learn that this should naturally produce in us adoration and a heart of worship. We will learn that one day all the things Jesus has revealed and proclaimed will become realized in our lives and the world around us. Sermon Series: The Proclamation Sermon: The Revelation Sermon Reading: Luke 1:26-38 Sermon Text: Luke 1:31-33 Sermon in a sentence: Emmanuel: The Lord is with you! Here is a link to our YouTube channel    • Level 13 Worship Service 6-5-22   Be sure to like and share the streams!!! Our giving link is here: https://www.level13church.com/give-on... Copyright License # 11084802 https://www.bensound.com​ https://www.worshiplyricvideos.com/st...