Waterville Baptist Church Service on 1/18/23. Wednesday Night Service including our Kidz Club Kids

Waterville Baptist Church Service on 1/18/23. Wednesday Night Service including our Kidz Club Kids

We don’t own any rights to the music in this video, however, we do have a CCLI License. WBC CCLI License # 1191725 Songs in this video are: CHOIR Jesus Loves Me - CCLI # 4771887 What A Friend – CCLI # 27714 Glory to His Name – CCLI # 57667 NON CHOIR SINGING The Longer I Serve Him – CCLI # 16000 INVITATION Just As I Am – CCLI # 23206 Pastor: Bro Sam Barrett brought the message ‘NOW is the day of Salvation’ Many verses, presenting the plan of salvation, were used…many of which were: Romans 3:10, 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9-10 2 Corinthians 5:21, 6:2 John 6:37…and many more verses were used during the message. We are located on Hwy. 151 at Mile Marker #3 in Walker County. Our address is 11815 Hwy. 151 Trion GA Our Service hours are: Sunday School (all ages) 10 a.m. Sunday Mornings The Adults have one class in our Fellowship Hall, the children meet in individual Sunday School rooms according to grade/age. Sunday Morning Service begins at 11 a.m. (No Sunday Night Services at this time) On Wednesday Evening we have Kidz Club (nursery – 12th Grade) And also an adult Prayer and Bible Study 7 p.m. Come early for Pizza at 6:30