30-min Intermediate Total Body Yoga Flow | Day 29 - "30 Days Of Yoga"
Comment below your experience of practicing Day 29 of the Challenge !! CHAPTERS: 0:00 Intro 0:31 Strap Rotations 4:02 Spinal waves 6:41 Dolphin + feet stretch 8:22 Plank pose 9:07 Shalabasana - cobra 10:55 dhanurasana 11:50 King cobra 13:35 Plank- Vashishta Padanghustasana 17:00 Bhujapidasana A 20:40 Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana 22:10 Veerabhadrasana 3 22:45 Parivrtta Parsvakonasana- trikonasana 25:19 Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana 26:17 Veerabhadrasana 3 26:40 Parivrtta Parsvakonasana- trikonasana 28:43 Paschimottanasana 29:23 Shavasana 31:29 Outro Pranayama Recommendation - • 5 min SOHAM Meditation for Inner Peac... So so so excited to hear from you. Everyday for 30 days one video will get uploaded on YouTube. So, its the best time to make a consistent routine for yourself and show up everyday! Don't forget to share your photos/ videos practicing with the videos on INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK by tagging @khushibajwayoga Stay consistent! Join WhatsApp group- https://chat.whatsapp.com/FLo6FnMMrVU... Hari Aum ॐ khushiBajwaYoga ॐ ------------------------------------ Please subscribe to the YouTube channel so you don't miss out on our weekly yoga classes! Need more help getting those splits? Download my FREE 30 days splits guide... ✨SPLITS GUIDE: https://mailchi.mp/69e767fbc32b/split... ✨Join Online classes: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FA... ✨7 days of splits - • 7 Day of Splits ✨Join 30 DAYS OF YOGA: • 30 days of Yoga ------------------ Let's stay connected. I'd love to hear from you! -Instagram: / khushibajwayoga -Pinterest: / khushibajwayoga -E-mail: [email protected] Facebook / khushi-bajwa-106996211891440 ------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information and practices on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any illness and and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care. As with any exercise program, you take the risk of personal injury when you practice yoga. By participating in these practices, you acknowledge this risk and release khushibajwayoga from any liability. You are responsible for your own body's well being. Please consult with your physician prior to beginning exercise.