떡만두국 레시피 Tteok Mandu Guk Recipe (Rice Cake Soup with Dumplings)

떡만두국 레시피 Tteok Mandu Guk Recipe (Rice Cake Soup with Dumplings)

떡만두국 Tteok Mandu Guk (Rice Cake Soup with Dumplings) 떡국 떡 200g 대파 1/4대 달걀 1개 식용유 약간 (2작은술 가량) 사골곰탕 1L 소고기 1/2컵 다진마늘 1큰술 피쉬소스 1큰술 만두 원하는 만큼 소금 1/2작은술 후추 약간 참기름 1큰술 김 1팩 200g rice cake 1/4 green onion 1 egg A little bit of cooking oil (2 tsp) 1L beef bone stock 1/2 cup beef 1 Tbsp minced garlic 1 Tbsp fish sauce Mandu, as many as you want 1/2 tsp salt A dash of white pepper 1 Tbsp sesame oil A pack of seaweed #떡국 #떡만두국 #설날음식 #ricecakesoup #ricecakesoupwithdumplings #newyearfood