First Aid Box में क्या क्या रखें/ First Aid box essentials/What you should have in first aid kit
This beautiful First Aid box made from shoe box at home for kids school project.Only two white chart paper, one red electrical tape,glue,sketch pen and 10 basic medicines are required for first aid box.These medicines are Dettol Cotton Band Aids Betadine Paracetamol tablets surgical tape scissor Cotton bandage Thermometer pain relieving tablets(pain killer tablets) you can also add more medicines within first Aid box as I have done School project first aid box from shoe box,First Aid kit for kids,Best out of waste,आपके घर में ये सारी चीजें होनी बहुत जरूरी,फस्ट एड बाॅक्स में रखे ये जरूरी 10 चीजें How to made first aid box,Medical Aid Box,First Aid kit at home,Make a first aid kit and box,Handmade first Aid box by waste shoe box,First Aid kit contents,First Aid kit में क्या क्या रखे, First Aid kit in hindi,School project work,Handmade first Aid box for school practical,Home first aid box