Hindi number writing 1 to 10 | EK se Das tak Hindi ginti | write 1 to 10 Hindi number names in words

Hindi number writing 1 to 10 | EK se Das tak Hindi ginti | write 1 to 10 Hindi number names in words

Hindi number writing 1 to 10 | EK se Das tak Hindi ginti | write 1 to 10 Hindi number names in words. Spelling 1 to 10 in hindi. ek do teen char paanch cheh saath aath nau das is covered in Hindi. #hindinumbers​ #hindiginti​ #1se10takginti​ #hindi​ #countinginhindi​ #ekdoteen​ #हिंदी​ #गिनती​ If you like the video please subscribe to my channel and hit the like button. Thanks for watching ‪@KnowTheFundamentals‬​