adobe photoshop tutorial Class2

adobe photoshop tutorial Class2

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial – Class 2: Understanding Layers & Basic Tools Class 2: Introduction to Layers and Basic Tools 1. Layers in Photoshop What are Layers? Layers are like transparent sheets stacked on each other. Each layer can contain different elements like text, images, or shapes, allowing you to edit them separately without affecting others. Types of Layers: Background Layer: The default locked layer. Normal Layer: Editable layers that you can move or modify. Adjustment Layers: Used for color correction and effects. Text Layers: Contains text elements. Shape Layers: Created with the shape tool. Layer Panel Basics: How to create a new layer (Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + N) How to delete a layer How to hide/show layers (Click the eye icon) How to change layer opacity and blending modes 2. Basic Photoshop Tools Move Tool (V): To move objects or layers. Selection Tools: Marquee Tool (M): Select rectangular or circular areas. Lasso Tool (L): Freehand selection. Magic Wand Tool (W): Selects areas based on color similarity. Brush Tool (B): For painting and retouching. Eraser Tool (E): Removes parts of an image. Gradient Tool (G): Creates smooth color transitions. Text Tool (T): Adds and edits text. 3. Practical Exercise Open a new document (Ctrl + N) Create a new layer and draw something with the Brush Tool Add text on a new layer Move and resize layers