AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C: Mech (Part 18: Power and Mixed Review) | Office Hours with Al

AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C: Mech (Part 18: Power and Mixed Review) | Office Hours with Al

In this stream, we introduced the concept of power and worked with a few examples involving it. We spent the rest of our time working on some more energy problems to wrap up the chapter. See the course plan here: https://www.althetutor.com/physics1co... |Chapters| 0:00 Plans for the Day 4:37 Defining Power 20:09 Example: A Skier Pulled by a Motor-Driven Cable 33:07 Example: Energy Consumption While Running 43:51 Example: An Accelerating Model Train 53:43 Example: How Far can this Electric Scooter Battery Take You? 1:12:18 Example: Instantaneous Power vs. Average Power of a Car 1:22:03 Example: Comparing the Power Output of Two Car Engines 1:28:40 Practice Problem 1: Calculating Work from a Force vs. Position Graph 1:36:58 Practice Problem 2: Two Objects and a Pulley 2:06:02 Practice Problem 3: Sliding in a Smooth Bowl 2:24:03 Side Note on Physical (or Scientific) Calories vs. Nutritional Calories 2:37:00 Practice Problem 4: Jane and Tarzan vs. the Wind 3:08:56 Homework and Final Comments