1st Sunday of Lent year C. why was Jesus tempted? Homily for 6th March 2022.

1st Sunday of Lent year C. why was Jesus tempted? Homily for 6th March 2022.

This is a Homily for 1st Sunday of Lent year C. we reflect on why was Jesus tempted even though he is the son of God. On this 1st sunday of lent, we enter into the desert with christ, to fast, pray and do charitable works. indeed, Jesus was tempted to inspire and strenthen our faith in Him. Jesus was tempted three times which shows us how we are tempted also 1. in relation to things 2. in raltion to another and laslty in relation to God. This lent season helps to abandonne and trust in God to help us overcome temptations in our christian life. this 1st sunday of lent year C marks the beginning of 40 days before Easter celebrations.