Homily: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time- January 29, 2023
Fr. Rob's Homily from the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time and a continuation of our message series; Next STEPS, which focuses on how to move forward, to draw closer to God, to take the next STEP. We’re looking in practical and spiritual ways to grow as a disciple of Jesus. All the STEPS are necessary and we grow by taking one STEP at a time, and not necessarily in order listed below: S is serving in ministry or on mission. Jesus called Himself the servant of all and wants us to serve all people as well. T is tithing and giving. God is generous. God is a giver. God uses our generosity to help others. E is engaging one another in faith. Faith is personal, but not private; for faith to grow it must be lived in a community, people supporting and challenging one another. P is prayer, quiet prayer and public worship. God draws us closer to Himself and to one another. S is sharing our faith. Our faith actually grows as we share this message with others. You are welcome here! Join us and encounter Christ with us as we love God, love others, and make disciples! https://www.thepastorate.com/