Welcome celestial one! This sleep subliminal audio has been created to quickly and effortlessly manifest your SP (specific person)... If we look at the theory that everyone is you pushed out - you are more powerful then you will believe! You are creating your reality right now, you may be unaware of negative programmes causing a lack of SP, or issues with your SP... These can dissolve within a second and your SP can appear to you perfectly in your desired way and situation. By rewiring your subconscious to replace the negative beliefs and patterns with positive beliefs and programs, you instantly change the reality you are in and the effects will be reflected in your world on the screen of space. Simply sit back, press play and let the beautiful angel number infused, solfeggio toned music relax you and your mind and allow the subliminal affirmations to sink deeply into your subconscious mind. Affirm, I AM A MAGNET TO MY SP! Don’t be surprised if you notice extra synchronicities, angelic and spiritual presence in your life after listening to this, expect shifts within your being. Let the divine flow within you, for you ARE god.⚡️✨⚡️ 🔥⚡🔥 OUR PATREON IS NOW LIVE! 🔥⚡🔥 Join our exclusive Patreon for an unparalleled journey of transformation, we have made the STRONGEST subliminals we have ever produced with our new 360 GOLDEN formula... for INSTANT results, perks include: ⚡ EXTRA STRONG SUBLIMINALS ⚡ FORCED SUBLIMINALS ⚡EXCLUSIVE FREQUENCY SCAPES ⚡SPELLS & RITUALS ⚡ MANIFESTATION COURSE ⚡ BODY MODIFICATION SUBLIMINALS COME JOIN THE PARTY, WE LOVE YOU ❤ ━━━☆ NOW TAKING BESPOKE SUBLIMINAL BOOKINGS : [email protected] ☆━━━ Follow us on Instagram We have embedded subliminal affirmations into this audio at a level that bypasses your conscious mind and goes straight into your subconscious mind. You won’t be able to hear the affirmations- but they are carefully embedded using the highest quality software. We have a meticulous process when writing and creating these subliminal audios, we do the hard work, so you can get cosy and relax- let our subliminal audios work their magic! Use this 5 min gratitude booster to supercharge your subliminal session...    • USE THIS TO SUPER-CHARGE YOUR SUBLIMI...  . ✧ Can be listened to day or night ✧ All our affirmations are written by us, with the most meticulous formula and care to allow for potent and positive results. .・゜゜・All Affirmations ・゜゜・. I am with my specific person I am so happy to have found my specific person I am so grateful to be in a relationship with my specific person I am so happy with my specific person I have manifested my specific person My specific person is perfect for me My specific person loves me My desires have manifested with my sp My sp is exactly how I imagined Everything works out in mine and my specific person’s favour I am deeply loved I am empowered I am powerful I am a powerful creator I am confident I am magnetic to my sp I am irresistible to my sp I am charismatic I am beautiful I am amazing I manifest desires instantly, ☆☆ AFFILIATES ☆☆ Were you one of the millions of people whose lives were touched and transformed by the hit movie The Secret with BOB PROCTOR? Well, Bob has a new success secret that you will not want to miss out on. You see, the success you long for IS possible, click the link to find out how! https://7ffd93k5ojvd16bgug-k4icx1b.ho... Disclaimer: Our videos are for entertainment purposes only and are not to replace any medical care. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS, CHANGE YOUR PROGRAMMING, SELF LOVE, "I AM", I AM AFFIRMATIONS, AFFIRMATIONS, LOVE, WELLNESS, GRATITUDE, UNIVERSAL GUIDANCE, DIVINE, REPROGRAMMING, UNLIMITED CONSCIOUSNESS, GOD, PEACE, INNER STRENGTH, WEALTH, PROSPERITY, ABUNDANCE, MONEY, MANIFESTATION, LAW OF ATTRACTION, CHANGE SUBCONSCIOUS AFFIRMATIONS,SLEEP MUSIC, RELAXING MUSIC FOR SLEEP, AFFIRMATION FOR SUBCONSCIOUS POSITIVE PROGRAMMING, HEALING, LAW OF ATTRACTION, FOCUS, INTEND, MEDITATION, GUIDED MEDITATION, POSITIVE ENERGY, RAISING VIBRATION, RAISING FREQUENCY, MEDITATION, TRUST, INFINITE INTELLIGENCE, GUIDANCE, SUPPORT, LAW OF ATTRACTION, MENTAL HEALTH, HEAL ANXIETY, HEAL YOUR BRAIN, SEROTONIN BOOST, DOPAMINE BOOST, NATURAL HEALING, NATURAL DEPRESSION HEALING, NATURAL ANXIETY HEALING, MANIFEST, HEALING FREQUENCIES, SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES, HEALING CELESTIAL SUBLIMINALS