Daily Mass for The Feast of St Benedict, Abbot & Patron of Europe,  from Our Lady of Walsingham Torq

Daily Mass for The Feast of St Benedict, Abbot & Patron of Europe, from Our Lady of Walsingham Torq

Welcome to the offering of mass for The Feast of St Benedict, Abbot & Patron of Europe from The Parish Church of Our Lady of Walsingham with Saint Cuthbert Mayne, Torquay. This parish community is within the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham under the patronage of Saint John Henry Newman. Although we are able hold mass in public we are continuing to stream online for those unable to physically come to mass. Especially as we are still suffering from the pandemic and at mass we continue to pray for all those suffering because of Coved 19. Everyone is welcome to worship with us Fr David Lashbrooke Parish Priest