Ultimate Southern Style Cornbread Dressing, just like how mom makes, great for any occasion

Ultimate Southern Style Cornbread Dressing, just like how mom makes, great for any occasion

CORNBREAD DRESSING 4-5 cups of crumbled corn bread ½ cup of chopped onions ½ cup of chopped green peppers ½ cup of chopped celery 1 – 8 ounce can of cream of chicken 1 or 2 eggs 2 cups of chicken broth 1 tablespoon ground sage ½ teaspoon ground black pepper Salt, to taste Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, grease baking dish In a large bowl, combine crumbled corn bread, onions, peppers, celery, cream of chicken, broth, egg(s), sage, black pepper, and salt. Mix well and pour into greased dish. Cook for 40-45 minutes or until lightly golden brown. Serve with holiday meal, if not for holiday, serve with favorite side item, something preferably with gravy Enjoy! Chicken and Gravy Recipe Video Link    • Grandma's Cast Iron Oven Roasted Chic...   Golden Yellow Cornbread Recipe Video Link    • Grandma's Golden Yellow Corn Bread, s...