Lords of the Fallen Walkthrough 100% Platinum Video 8
(Please Read!) Lords of the Fallen Walkthrough with all items and trophy content. The purpose of this walkthrough is to start from the beginning with a fresh character, collect every item, complete all side quests, and collect all trophy related content. When I went through the Fen, I missed an item in the back half after the Hushed Saint fight. In the beginning of this video, I explain how things will work as far as making sure we get EVERYTHING, and I start by taking us back to that area to pick up the item I missed when we first ran through the area. We will be collecting everything, and I mean it 😉 I’m trying to get this walkthrough done ASAP for people who are still hunting trophies, and am mostly playing from memory. I am cross-referencing some notes I’ve made, and that’s how I caught the missed item. I assure everyone, we will be getting everything. Thanks