LEGO STAR WARS THE COMPLETE SAGA Walkthrough Gameplay Part 21 - No Commentary
LEGO: Star Wars The Complete Saga (2009) Walkthrough Gameplay Part 21 No Commentary Developer : Traveller's Tales Publisher : LucasArts, Lucasfilm, Disney Release Date : 13 Nov 2009 Episode IV: A New Hope Chapter : Mos Eisley Spaceport CHARACTERS : Luke Skywalker, Ben Kenobi, R2-D2, C-3PO, Han Solo and Chewbacca BOSS : Imperial Spy STORY : A Republic cruiser landed at the Trade Federation control ship. Two Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, emerged from the ship and were greeted by TC-14. Meanwhile, the ship had been blown up and the Jedi sensed it. They boarded an MTT cruiser to escape. When they landed on Naboo, they met a Gungan named Jar Jar Binks, who led them to the underwater city of Otah Gunga, where the Gungan leader Boss Nass refused to help the people of Naboo. Qui-Gon used a Jedi mind trick on him, forcing Nass to give them permission to use the bongo. ____________________________________________ CERITA : Sebuah kapal penjelajah Republik mendarat di kapal kendali Federasi Perdagangan. Dua Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi dan Qui-Gon Jinn, muncul dari kapal dan disambut oleh TC-14. Sementara itu, kapal tersebut telah diledakkan dan para Jedi merasakannya. Mereka menaiki kapal penjelajah MTT untuk melarikan diri. Saat mendarat di Naboo, mereka bertemu dengan seorang Gungan bernama Jar Jar Binks, yang membawa mereka ke kota bawah laut Otah Gunga, di mana pemimpin Gungan, Boss Nass, menolak untuk membantu rakyat Naboo. Qui-Gon menggunakan tipuan pikiran Jedi padanya, memaksa Nass untuk memberi mereka izin untuk menggunakan bongo. Video Collection LEGO: Star Wars The Complete Saga (2009): • LEGO: Star Wars The Complete Saga (2009) Video Collection LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (2008): • LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adve... Video Collection LEGO Batman: The Videogame (2008): • LEGO Batman: The Videogame (2008) Enjoy watching! - Terimakasih buat yang sudah mampir, yang sudah like, share, dan subscribe...!! - Follow me on - / _gemfm - Subscribe GEMFM to get all the new gameplay videos and walkthroughs of the latest games! #Gameplay #LegoStarWars #Walkthrough