Marco Pierre White’s Steak Dinner required all hands on deck

Marco Pierre White’s Steak Dinner required all hands on deck

You can get my favorite cookware from Made In today with a 10% off discount on your first order over $100 using my link - Now that I've attempted some of Marco Pierre White's more famous dishes to varying results, this time I wanted to make something that I would choose off the menu: Scotch Steak, Confit of Shallots and Garlic , Mushroom Fricassée and a Red Wine & Shallot Sauce... Easy Peezy, right?! Cookbook used in this video: 🚩Support the Channel on Patreon!   / antichef   🚩I'm on Instagram   / antichefjamie   🚩What I Use (Amazon Store) (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases) 🚩Julia's Mastering the Art of French Cooking Vol 1 & 2: Music: & #jamieandchef #marcopierrewhite #antichef