These Haunted Doors were Locked 30 Years ago

These Haunted Doors were Locked 30 Years ago

In search of the hidden casino vault, Vy Qwaint and I hear a mysterious sound coming from behind restricted doors. What was it? Sounds like a woman is in trouble. As we offer to help, the door creaks open. We make our way through the 30-year-old doors, but no one is there... only an elevator door. We think we hear the woman say to take the elevator down, so I hit the down button but the second we get on we realize... it's HAUNTED!! Or maybe the ex-casino owner who hid his money in the vault made it look haunted to scare away potential robbers. Can we make it down the ghostly elevator to the vault floor in time before the group of thieves finds it?! Watch my friend’s awesome videos: FaZe Rug - The Time My Ghost Investigation Went TERRIBLY Wrong..    • The Time My Ghost Investigation Went ...   Jordan Matter - Making My Daughter's Dream Come True    • SURPRISING MY DAUGHTER WITH TAYLOR SW...   Preston - Escaping 100 Layers of SKIBIDI Toilets    • PRESTON vs TITAN SKIBIDI   Ben Azelart - BUYING Everything in ONE COLOR for my Best Friend!    • BUYING Everything in ONE COLOR for my...   MSA previously My Story Animated - Someone Gave Me A 1 Million Dollar Tip    • Someone Gave Me A 1 Million Dollar Tip   ▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website - ▶ SPY NINJAS GADGETS - ▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merch - ▶ SPY NINJA Mobile App Game - Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here