Gloria (Spanish/English) -- Misa de la Creación/Mass of Creation, revised 2010 (Haugen/Alonso)

Gloria (Spanish/English) -- Misa de la Creación/Mass of Creation, revised 2010 (Haugen/Alonso)

Jonathan Tan accompanies the singing of the Gloria -- Glory to God in the Highest (bilingual - Spanish/English) (Mass setting: Misa de la Creación/Mass of Creation, Revised 2010, by Marty Haugen/Tony Alonso, GIA/2010, 2013) on the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Pentecost 26), 17 November 2024, on the the 1881 E.&G.G. Hook & Hastings Opus 1049, restored by Michael Rathke as his Opus 11 (2023) at The Church of Our Saviour, Mount Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. To MFTM. Streamed under OneLicense A709077. All rights reserved. Used by permission.