Canh cá Pollack/ Korean dried pollack soup (bugeo guk)/ 황태해장국/황태콩나물해장국/북어국
시원하고 진~~한 황태해장국 (북어국 황태콩나물해장국) 만들어봤어요 재료 4인분 황태채2주먹 무조금 양파1/2개 대파1개 쪽파5개 청 홍고추1개씩 콩나물1주먹 계란1개 맛소금1큰술 후추 까나리액젓2큰술 국간장1큰술 물 만드는 방법 1 황태 황태에 물 조금 넣고 조물조물 후 물기짜고 2ㅡ3cm썰기 2 야채썰기 *무 나박썰기2 5cm *대파 어슷썰기 *양파 채썰기 *청 홍고추 송송 썰기 *쪽파 3cm 썰기 3 다시마 멸치 다시팩에 넣기 4 끓이기 ㅡ냄비에참기름2큰술 황태2컵 무넣고 "꼬들 꼬들"하게 볶으면서 중간 중간에 물을 조금씩 넣으면서 볶음 "뽀얀육수"가 나오면 두껑덮고 끓임 ㅡ한번 끓인 후 콩나물1주먹 양파 멸치팩 물1 4L 국간장1큰술 넣고 끓임 ㅡ끓으면 대파 쪽파 청 홍고추 까나리액젓2큰술 맛소금1큰술 후추 넣고 한번 더 끓어 오르면 완성 5 다시마팩 건져 버림 6 계란은 넣어도 안넣어 먹도 됨 Korean dried pollack soup Ingredients 2 handfuls of pollack dried fish, a little radish, ½ onion, 1 Korean onion, a brunch scallion, 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 1 handful of bean sprouts, 1 egg, refined salt, pepper, water fish sauce, soy sauce, minced garlic Rinse and soak the dried pollack in warm water until softened, then cut it about 2 ~ 3 cm length Cut radish 2 5cm in square thinly, sliced Korean onion crossly, sliced onion, cut scallion 3cm length, sliced chili Put the dried anchovies and kelp into the filter bag Put 2 tablespoons of sesame oil, fish, and radish in a saucepan, stirring with a little water, cover with a lid, boiling until the water is milky Then add onions, bean sprouts, and fish filter bags Pour 1 4L of water and add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce In the boiling soup, add Korean onions, chili and scallion Next, add minced garlic, 2 teaspoons fish sauce, 1 teaspoon salt, a little pepper and remove the filter bag When the soup is cooked, put 1 egg into the soup, stir and stir well to eat