Grace United Methodist Church, March 9, 2025, 11AM

Grace United Methodist Church, March 9, 2025, 11AM

Grace United Methodist Church, March 9, 2025, 11AM 1st Sunday of Lent “Sound Speech” Scriptures: Titus 1:10-13, Matthew 12:35-37 PRELUDE – MUSIC: CARRIE LANGTON "Entrance of the Light of Christ" Worship Leader: Weston Null Tech Team: Cheryl Pixley/Steve Pixley *indicates congregational standing. Gathering Hymn: Carrie/People of Grace “ He Lives” (verses 1-2) Welcome to all who are here to Worship the Lord Pastor: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you, Amen. Acknowledge the "Passing of the Peace of Christ ANNOUNCEMENTS: A TIME OF SHARING (Please let us bring the microphone to you) WORSHIP SERVICES BEGIN CALL TO WORSHIP: Weston Leader: Jesus invites us to a way of celebration, meeting and feasting with the humble and poor. People: Let us walk his way with joy. Leader: Jesus beckons us to a way of risk, letting go of our security. People: Let us walk his way with joy. Leader: Jesus challenges us to listen to the voices of those who have nothing to lose. People: Let us walk his way with joy. Leader: Jesus points us to a way of self-giving, where power and status are overturned. People: Let us walk his way with joy. Leader: Jesus calls us to follow the way of the cross, where despair is transformed by the promise of new life. All: Let us walk his way with joy. Amen *INVITATIONAL HYMN: UMH 398 “Jesus Calls Us” Grace UMC Mission Statement: "Together as Grace United Methodist Church, we glorify God, grow people of faith, and go forth to serve." Amen. Time of Prayer: Joys and Concerns (Please let us bring the microphone to you) Silent Prayer -Pastoral Prayer-Lord's Prayer FIRST READING: Weston Titus 1:10-13 NRSVUE The Word of God, for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Amen. Ministry Moment: Pastor Willie “The Diary of a Bible” *HYMN: UMH 454 “Open My Eyes. That I Might See” Congregational Response: UMH 881 “Apostles Creed” *OFFERING OUR GIFTS: UMH 95 "Doxology" Grace Prayer of Dedication: On Screen Gospel Reading: Weston Matthew 12:35-37 NRSVUE The Word of God, for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Amen. Message: Pastor Willie “Sound Speech” BENEDICTION / GOING FORTH WITH THE LIGHT OF CHRIST: *PARTING HYMN: UMH 396 “Oh, Jesus I Have Promised”