Class 12 Computer Chapter 5 One Shot Video Lecture FBISE National Book Foundation Arrays and Strings

Class 12 Computer Chapter 5 One Shot Video Lecture FBISE National Book Foundation Arrays and Strings

Class 12 Computer Chapter 5 One Shot Video Lecture FBISE National Book Foundation Arrays and Strings Arrays and Strings Chapter 5 00:00:00 Intro to Arrays in C++ 00:04:29 Programs of Arrays 00:04:41 Program-1 00:08:38 Program-2 00:11:41 Program-3 00:15:26 Sizeof() 00:19:08 Intro to 2D Arrays 00:22:02 Defining & Initializing 00:27:01 Accessing & Filling 00:28:23 Program-5 00:32:09 Program-6 00:35:09 Program-7 00:39:27 Strings 00:42:44 String Function 00:43:11 cin.get() 00:46:50 strcpy() 00:48:38 strcat() 00:50:07 strlen() 00:52:54 strcmp() Introduction to Arrays Concept of an Array Declaring an Array Initialization of an Array Using Arrays in Programs The Sizeof() Function Two Dimensional Arrays Introduction to Two Dimensional Arrays Defining and Initializing a Two Dimensional Array Accessing and Writing in a Two Dimensional Array Strings Introduction to Strings Defining a String Initializing a String Commonly used string functions #studywithmeinpakistan #Class12ComputerChapter5 #Class12Chapter5Computer #ComputerChapter5Class12 #ComputerClass12Chapter5 #Chapter5ComputerClass12 #Chapter5Class12Computer #studywithme #ArraysandStrings #TwoDimensionalArrays #2DArrays #Strings @studywithmeinpakistan 12 Class computer Science Chapter 5 National Book Foundation Class 12 Computer Chapter 5 National Book Foundation Class 12 ICS ICS Class 12 Program1: The following program reads 5 integer values in array a and finds their total and average. Program2: The following program reads 10 integers and prints the biggest. Program3: This program reads marks of ‘n’ students and prints the no of students passed. Marks are in range of 0 to 100 and passing marks are 33. Program4: The following program prints the number of bytes occupied by int, float, double, and char data types. Program5: Program that declares a 2D integer array of 3 rows and 4 columns, initializes it with data 30, 20, 55, 206, 78, 81, 25, 90, 3, 48, 67, 104 and finds total of all the values. Program6: The following program will multiply each element of the array by 2 that has 3 rows and 4 columns and display it in the form of a matrix. The array is initialized to data values from 1 to 12 with 3 rows and 4 columns. Program7: The following program prompts the user to enter 12 integers in a 2D array that has 3 rows and 4 columns, and it finds the largest number. Program8: The following program demonstrates the use of cin.get() function. Program9: The following program reads a string using cin statement & displays. Program10: The following program demonstrate the use of strlen() fn. It points the number of characters in each city name. Program11: The following program demonstrate the use of strcmp() function. Note: This Channel is for Education Purpose Only.