GOD SAYS TO YOU TODAY    What I have prepared for you, NO ONE can take – it’s yours!

GOD SAYS TO YOU TODAY What I have prepared for you, NO ONE can take – it’s yours!

GOD SAYS TO YOU TODAY What I have prepared for you, NO ONE can take – it’s yours! Have you ever prayed for direction and felt like you only found silence? Have you ever wondered if what you felt was really God speaking or just a reflection of your own thoughts? What if, in fact, God was already answering you, but you hadn't yet learned to recognize His voice? In this video, you will discover How to discern God's voice clearly and avoid confusing His directions with emotions, personal desires or external influences. God spoke to Moses, Elijah and Samuel… and He still speaks today. Learning to hear His voice can completely change your spiritual life. 🔴 YOU WILL DISCOVER: ✅ How to know if it's really God talking to you ✅ What may be preventing you from hearing His voice clearly ✅ The main signs that confirm whether the direction received comes from God ✅ The practical path to strengthening your spiritual sensitivity ✅ The secret to recognizing God’s voice without hesitation If you want a life guided by God and want listen to His voice with conviction, this video is for you! SHOW THAT YOU ARE READY TO DISCERN THE VOICE OF GOD! 💬 Write in the comments: "I CHOOSE TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD!" As a form of recognition, we will leave a like on your comment! 📢 SHARE THIS VIDEO! Maybe God wants to speak to someone close to you. Send this video to friends and family! 📌 DON’T MISS ANY MORE TRANSFORMATIVE CONTENT! Subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications! 📺 WATCH ALSO: ➡️ How Was the WORLD Before the FLOOD MESSAGES OF THE KINGDOM 👉    • How Was the WORLD Before the FLOOD  M...   ➡️How Was the WORLD Before the FLOOD MESSAGES OF THE KINGDOM 👉    • How Was the WORLD Before the FLOOD  M...   ============================================================== 📌 Access our playlists: 🔹 LECCIONES DE FE: INSPIRACIÓN PARA EL ALMA 👉 🔥 If God has already spoken, now is your turn to act! Press play and learn to recognize His voice once and for all! 🔥