Nirvana - Live Buenos Aires, AR 1992 October 30 (Remixed & Remastered SBD) Estadio José Amalfitani
Thanks to livenirvana.com 0:00 Nobody Knows That I'm New Wave (Unknown Song) 3:09 Aneurysm 7:35 Smells Like Teen Spirit (Tease) 7:44 Breed 10:27 Smells Like Teen Spirit (Tease) 10:41 Drain You 14:25 Beeswax (Final Performance) 17:17 Spank Thru (Final Performance) 20:25 School 23:04 Come As You Are (Hey Hey Hey) 26:41 Lithium 30:48 Lounge Act 33:53 Sliver 36:21 About A Girl 40:04 Polly (Toy Drum Kit) 42:40 Drum Solo 43:05 Krist and Dave Jam (Toy Drum Kit) 46:19 In Bloom 50:38 Territorial Pissings 53:56 Been A Son 56:09 Dave Likes Techno 56:29 On A Plain 59:25 Negative Creep 1:02:04 Blew 1:06:53 All Apologies 1:10:36 Endless, Nameless Nirvana live from Estadio José Amalfitani in Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 30th, 1992 Remixed, Remastered, and synced to video source. This is an iconic Nirvana show as they purposefully played bad, teased but never played Smells Like Teen Spirit, and played some of their deeper tracks due to the crowds disrespect and harassment towards the opening band Calamity Jane. This show featured the final performances of both Spank Thru and Beeswax. It is also the only performance of the unofficially dubed song Nobody Knows That I'm New Wave, it is not known if this is cover song or original song. For the first 17 seconds of Negative Creep there is no footage so I compiled some clips from further on in the song and synced them to the audio rather than just using a still picture. Headphones are recommended. SBD 1a is used for Breed through Blew, PRO 1a is used for All Apologies and Endless, Nameless, PRO 1c is used for Nobody Knows That I'm New Wave and Aneurysm. For the remix of SBD 1a I beefed up the guitar, boosted the bass and kick drum, and evened out the vocals. The mix is a little different based on which guitar is using. When Kurt is using his Competion Mustang for Polly, In Bloom, and Territorial Pissings I boosted the guitar as much as possible, however for whatever reason the guitar tone is super low so that the A.I. split the guitar partly with the bass so it was difficult to boost.The remixing of the other audio sources was generally the same. Video Sources: PRO 1c LiveNirvana.com presents: Nirvana live 1992-10-30 Estadio José Amalfitani, Buenos Aires, Argentina PRO #1c VHS1 Upgrade Not to be sold or monetized in any way. Recording located and transferred by the archiving team at liveNirvana.com. Please support the artist and go to www.nirvana.com for official merchandise. If you recorded a Nirvana show back in the day and you'd like help preserving it, please let us know. If you are going to reupload this video please include these notes :) Link to original upload: • Nirvana live 1992-10-30 Estadio José ... VIDEO TRANSFER: JVC HR-S7900U SVHS - Datavideo TBC-1000 - ATI TV Wonder 600 USB - VirtualDub - AviSynth 2.6.0 - x264.exe 0.152.2851 ba24899 - MKVToolNix GUI v17.0.0 GENERATION: VHS(1) - AVI [HuffYUV/48khz/16-Bit/PCM] - MKV [480p/x264 | AAC | FLAC] TRANSFER & ENCODE: Nicholas Serra, Simon Kilmore, & Members of LiveNirvana.com on October 30th 2018 PRO 1a (Video, Audio for All Apologies & Endless, Nameless) Generation: VHS(x) - STANDALONE -DVDR(2) - WAV (44.1kHz) - FLAC (LEVEL 8) NOTES: More complete, but lower quality than PRO #1c. Missing some between-song banter. Has cuts in the unknown song and "Negative Creep." Audio Sources: SBD 1a (Used for Breed through Blew) GENERATION: CD ["Kurko" bootleg] - WAV [44.1kHz] - FLAC [Level 8] SOURCE (SBD#1a) soundboard - unknown TRANSFER Plextor PlexWriter PX-W4824A - Exact Audio Copy V0.95 - Sound Forge 7.0 - CD Wave 1.93 beta - FLAC Frontend 1.7.1 Transferred by Mike Ziegler. Unfortunately the video is blocked in Russia and Belarus due to Breed from this show sounding too much like Breed from Los Angeles 1993. #nirvana #nirvanalive #kurtcobain #davegrohl #kristnovoselic #remixed #remastered #buenosaires #livemusic #music #concert #liveshow #kurtcobainlive #davegrohllive #nirvanaforever #nirvana1992 #nevermind #inutero #bleach #incesticide #inutero #live #nevermindlive #bleachlive #incesticidelive #inuterolive #grunge #grungelive #alternative #alternativerock #alternativerocklive #soundboard #soundboardaudio