Contemporary Worship • February 16, 2025, 10:45 AM (recorded)

Contemporary Worship • February 16, 2025, 10:45 AM (recorded)

Recording of our contemporary worship service on February 16, 2025 at 10:45 AM. The sermon is “Jesus, Thy Will Be Done” by Pastor Kurt Ebert based on Luke 6:17-26. These Sundays after Epiphany give us a glimpse of our Lord’s ministry. The people have seen Him do many great things. In fact, many followed Him hoping to receive a healing or some other gift. Today, Jesus stops us in our tracks with words of blessing and warning. We know that the true blessings of Jesus do not end, even when this life does. And so, we must hear the warning against taking our eyes off Jesus and being only concerned with the blessings of this world. As Jesus leads us toward the goal of His ministry, we lift our eyes to the One who gives us new life—both “here and now” and one day in the “then and there.” View the bulletin for this service at This week's announcements can be found at Record your attendance at Give an offering online at