Resident Evil 7: #8 - The Old House Please STOP!
On the hunt for a serum to cure it time to explore the old house at the bottom of the garden, this episode includes a lot of exploring but there is one hell of a climax! Please enjoy, muahahahaa... Resident Evil 7: #8 - The Old House Please remember to hit the Like button, leave a comment to let me know what you think and subscribe if you are new here and want to see more. Menwhostareatgames is trying to grow and we need your support :) Resident Evil 7: #8 - The Old House This game is also available on other systems Come join me on - YouTube: / menwhostareatgames Twitter: / stareatgames Facebook: / 450978365069822 Join Freedom Network: http://www.freedom.tm/via/menwhostare... Google+ :https://plus.google.com/u/0/109667238... Thank you for watching, menwhostareatgames :)