Issue of Share Capital | Pro rata based question | forfeiture of Share | Pro rata allotment|class 12
Issue of Share Capital | Pro rata based question | forfeiture of Share | Pro rata allotment|class 12 hello friend's in this today video you will learn about Issue of share capital..... your queries:- class 12 share class 12 Issue of Share Capital Issue of Share Capital class 12 accountancy TS Garewal accountancy class 12 TS Garewal Solution Pro rata wale question Pro rata based question class 12 class 12 issue of share journal entries of forfeiture forfeiture of share pro rata based allotment oversubscription wale question pro rata k question kaise karte hain pro rata questions ko karne ka tarika Issue of share forfeiture and reissue of share shares ka forfeiture kaise karte hain pro rata adjustment reissue ki entries kaise kare pro rata based questions easy way in hindi #cbse #accountancy #youtube #bcom #ncert #prorata #issueofsharesclass12 #board2025 #corporateaccounting #class12accounts #commerce #लेखाशास्त्र #बहीखाता