MMCA 청주프로젝트 2022: 도시공명 l 홍보영상 6min Ver.

MMCA 청주프로젝트 2022: 도시공명 l 홍보영상 6min Ver.

‘MMCA Cheongju Project’ has been held in outdoor and public spaces out of the gallery of the museum based on themes related to ‘city’ and ‘everyday spaces’ MMCA Cheongju Project 2022 Urban Resonance introduces sound-based artworks and aims at urging the audience to recognize and sense places and spaces using their auditory senses This exhibition consists of 4 key words Seoryang Kim presents the sounds of factories that reminds us of the history of the art museum, which used to be a tobacco factory (City and Factory) Team Triad provides audience with an opportunity to experience the city audibly using a variety of city data (City, Regeneration and Circulation) Jun Kim collects the sounds of the ecological environment around himself and shares subjective experiences with audience (City and Nature) and Byungjun Kwon embodies a virtual sound landscape in the outdoor space in front of the museum to listen the sounds of potential disasters around us (City and War) By collecting and processing ordinary sounds in our daily lives that we tune out or dismiss as noise, the artists propose that we pause to concentrate on those auditory signals Sensing the sounds and vibrations with ears and bodies, we become aware that our bodies are organically linked to these spaces, this city, and the world In the end, we sense anew the spaces and places in which we find ourselves, forming new relationships with the entities in our surroundings from which we had been cut off The world is always filled with invisible sounds Discovering and giving new meaning to sounds, previously unheard, may hopefully provide an opportunity to realize what a precious gift our “here and now” really is MMCA 청주프로젝트 2022: 도시공명 국립현대미술관 청주 2022 08 24 ~ 2022 11 27 Film by 셔틀콕 (GIMMICK)