Wednesday of the 26th Week | Homily of Rev. Fr. Joenick Territorio
Theme: Detachment from Things "Freedom from too much love of material possession" Guide Points Against Material Detachment: 1.) Giving Priority to Spiritual Things (Compassion, Humility, and Service) 2.) Avoid Materialism 3.) Sharing and Generosity 4.) Don't be envious of others. 5.) Having a Spirit of Stewardship (gift rather than entitlement) 6.) Simplicity of Life (avoiding unnecessary luxuries; "needs not wants" Three Things to Remember (summary): A.) Spiritual Priority: in relation to God B.) Simplicity: in relation to self C.) Generosity: in relation to others 'Do not fix your heart on anything that passes away. Imitate Christ, who became poor for us and had nowhere to lay his head. Ask him to give you, in the midst of the world, a real detachment, a detachment that has nothing to soften it.' - Saint Jose Maria Escriva