NHCC Worship - August 22, 2021
Throughout the length of our current sermon series, one of the main emphases has been the fact that the good news about Jesus just cannot be contained. Whether it was the religious leaders of His day trying to squelch His message or undermine His ministry or even Jesus himself telling someone to "keep it to themselves," the word of Jesus' teaching or ministry continued to spread and grow. ---------- Such is the case this week with our text for Frank's message. Despite Jesus' instructions to a group of people to "tell no one," after an encounter with Jesus, they couldn't help sharing the good news--not matter how strenuously he told them. ---------- Isn't that the way it is with truly good news? Something amazes us or causes us to be captured in wonder at it and we cannot wait to tell those closest to us and then, in many cases, whoever is willing to listen to us all about it. ---------- We hope that as you join us and hear the Word of God taught, that His Spirit would guide you into an understanding that helps you to grow in wisdom and in truth. ---------- If you would like to follow along with our Live Worship featuring sermon notes and other helpful links, it is available through the Bible.com App. You can simply use this link to be taken directly to it: https://my.bible.com/events/48750693 ---------- Also, if you would like to follow along with a "fill-in-the-blanks" copy of the sermon outline, you can download one to use in following the message as Frank shares it. You can download it here: https://bit.ly/3zcJKkP ---------------- Afterward, please feel free to follow up with questions, feedback, etc. in the comment section. If you do have a question we will try to get back with you as quickly as possible. In addition, should you have a need of any kind, please reach out to us through phone call (407.654.5050) or through email ([email protected]) and we will use whatever resources we may have to help and encourage you in this difficult time. Of prayer requests and praise reports are also always welcome. ---------------- Finally, if you would like to give online, the simplest way to accomplish this is to go to our to the link on the main page of our website. Of course, if you would prefer a text-to-give option, simply text a dollar amount to 84321 and then follow the simple instructions to give from a card or bank account. NHCC Website - https://notibutchrist.church Email - [email protected] Facebook - / nhcchome Twitter - / nhcchomewg Online Giving - https://nhcchome.churchcenter.com/giving