수능영어독해 문장삽입 핵심기술 훈련 1 : 나열의 연결사가 박스에 있을 때 (2023학년 고3 6월 모의고사 38번, 2022학년 대수능 38번, 2018년 고3 10월 38번)

수능영어독해 문장삽입 핵심기술 훈련 1 : 나열의 연결사가 박스에 있을 때 (2023학년 고3 6월 모의고사 38번, 2022학년 대수능 38번, 2018년 고3 10월 38번)

여러분들의 구독과 좋아요는 다음 영상을 준비 하는데 있어 강한 동기부여가 됩니다 구독과 좋아요 버튼을 눌러주세요 😊👍👍👍👍👍 2022_6월_고3_평가원_38 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오. Also, it has become difficult for companies to develop new pesticides, even those that can have major beneficial effects and few negative effects. Simply maintaining yields at current levels often requires new cultivars and management methods, since pests and diseases continue to evolve, and aspects of the chemical, physical, and social environment can change over several decades. ( ① ) In the 1960s, many people considered pesticides to be mainly beneficial to mankind. ( ② ) Developing new, broadly effective, and persistent pesticides often was considered to be the best way to control pests on crop plants. ( ③ ) Since that time, it has become apparent that broadly effective pesticides can have harmful effects on beneficial insects, which can negate their effects in controlling pests, and that persistent pesticides can damage non-target organisms in the ecosystem, such as birds and people. ( ④ ) Very high costs are involved in following all of the procedures needed to gain government approval for new pesticides. ( ⑤ ) Consequently, more consideration is being given to other ways to manage pests, such as incorporating greater resistance to pests into cultivars by breeding and using other biological control methods. pesticide: 살충제 * cultivar: 품종 ** breed: 개량하다 2021_11월_고3_대수능_38 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? Retraining current employees for new positions within the company will also greatly reduce their fear of being laid off. Introduction of robots into factories, while employment of human workers is being reduced, creates worry and fear. ( ① ) It is the responsibility of management to prevent or, at least, to ease these fears. ( ② ) For example, robots could be introduced only in new plants rather than replacing humans in existing assembly lines. ( ③ ) Workers should be included in the planning for new factories or the introduction of robots into existing plants, so they can participate in the process. ( ④ ) It may be that robots are needed to reduce manufacturing costs so that the company remains competitive, but planning for such cost reductions should be done jointly by labor and management. ( ⑤ ) Since robots are particularly good at highly repetitive simple motions, the replaced human workers should be moved to positions where judgment and decisions beyond the abilities of robots are required. 2018_10월_고3_서울교육청_38 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? Aside from heat, magma also exchanges chemical components with the surrounding rock, modifying both the composition of the magma and the surrounding rock. From the chemical point of view magma is an extremely complex system. ( ① ) The chemical composition of magma does not remain constant over time but varies in response to variations in the environment in which it is located. ( ② ) In contact with colder rocks, magma loses heat. ( ③ ) This change in temperature causes certain minerals to begin to crystallize, depriving the magma of those chemical components that are involved in the formation of the crystals while at the same time enriching the magma with other components that are not involved in the formation of the crystals. ( ④ ) Portions of rock can be incorporated into the magma, becoming molten or remaining as solid fragments within it. ( ⑤ ) In response to variations in chemical composition, temperature and most of all pressure, volatile substances contained in the magma like water or carbon dioxide can be released to form gas bubbles, producing great changes in the properties of the magma and in many cases leading to an eruption. *volatile 휘발성의