Traditional Service - Expectations of Church - 9/24/2023
Welcome to Cornerstone's worship service! We are so glad you chose to join us today. We'd like to know if you watch our service today and get connected with you. Please fill out the Digital Connect Card at https://ourcornerstone.churchcenter.c.... This connect card is for first time guests, recurring attendees, and members to fill out. Have a prayer request? We encourage you to fill out our digital prayer card for any prayer requests or praises of answered prayers: https://ourcornerstone.churchcenter.c... Church Website: www.ourcornerstone.org Online Giving: www.ourcornerstone.org/give Digital Connect Card/Prayer Request- www.ourcornerstone.org/prayer KICK Kid messages can found here: / playlist. . CCLI Copyright License #370849CCLI Streaming License #2017953 One License #A-734633